Your Instructor - Bill Gray

Are you feeling anything like I felt when I started BJJ?

Where do I start? There is too much to learn, I'm too unfit, it's too hard, I'm so confused. Nothing I do works :(

Overwhelmed by conflicting information?

Not only is BJJ hard to understand, but everything you read seems to be totally different from one "expert" to the next...

Guru 1: “You need to train 5 times a week”
Guru 2: “You need to learn more techniques"
Guru 3: “Your not strong enough”
Guru 4: “your not fit enough”
Guru 5: “your too old”
Guru 6: "your too young"

Thinking maybe you're just not cut out for BJJ?

BJJ seems pretty technical, and very physical, and it can be scary to try to learn something totally foreign to you.

Maybe you think it's probably just not a great investment of your time and you'd rather focus on something that seems a little less daunting.

Nervous about joining a BJJ school and wrestling strange people?

Ugh, the uncertainty that comes with a new BJJ Club... New people, bigger people, higher ranks, everyone's beating me. 
The ups and downs of learning Brazilian jiu-jitsu. It feels like a roller coaster, and it can be terrifying for some people.

Needing more guidance?

You know you’re not doing everything wrong. You think your training just as hard as the next person (or harder). But you still can't put your finger on it.... Something is missing from your training. 
Maybe you know 5 techniques, maybe you know 100 techniques.

But you keep getting stuck underneath, you can never get a submission, all you find yourself doing is submitting 'ALL THE TIME". It’s not just about TECHNIQUES. It’s about doing the right technique, the steps to that technique in the right order, and with the right timing.

If you’re confused about any of this, you’re in the right place, my friend…

If you've been following for a while (Or the Youtube Channel: BJJ Syllabus Videos), you probably already know that Bill has been around martial arts since the age of about 10 years old.

(In case you forgot, or you're new around here.) Bill is

4th Degree BJJ Black Belt.
2nd Degree Shoot Fighting Black Belt.
4th Degree Black Belt in the Real World.
Specialising in Confined Space Protection.

Ok, got that out of the way.

Bill has taught at clubs all over the world. Traveled and trained extensively, and has now put together this program to help give people, and schools, BJJ guidance. Also, the course is designed to help students improved their BJJ in the quickest amount of time possible.

After teaching constantly for the last 25 years. Throughout Australia, in countries such as America, Thailand, and Island. Bill wanted to bring BJJ to the individual student in their home, and to help struggling martial Arts schools advance forward in the art of BJJ.

Soooo... Bill did what he has aways done, taught BJJ.

With over 200 videos currently filmed.
Over 90 Pages of step by step instructions,
32,000 words written.

Here is the 1st in the world, BJJ only focused online course and syllabus. The purpose of this course is to help take you from White Belt to Blue Belt in the quickest amount of time possible, while making sure your standard and quality is of the highest level.

Bill went all in.
He really doesn't know any other way than foot-to-the-pedal, all-gas-no-brakes, pursuit of results!

Years of going to seminars.
Years of teaching.
Years of been taught.
Years of training BJJ.

Over the course of 2 years... (felt like 10)
Bill began the journey excited, put hundreds of hours into the project, and here is the end result.

The 1st, best, and only online BJJ course, syllabus, and step by step instruction manual to help you, or your school, go from White Belt to Blue Belt in BJJ.

Lower Figure 4 Shoulder Lock From Side Control


4 Important Discoveries About BJJ

1. You have to train 5 times a week to get good.

Absolutely not true. It might even hold you back.
I would say 2-3 times a week is perfect. And the 3rd session (only if your super keen). To be very gentle, and soft. But to be honest 2 is plenty.

2. You need to know more techniques then the person you are wrestling to beet them.

Not true. It's not how many techniques you know.

3. I need to be fit to be good at BJJ.

Nope, wrong again. I have been submitted by many people who are super unfit. You do not need to be fit to be good at BJJ.

4. I'm too old, to young, to weak to do BJJ.

Bla, Bla, Bla. I have heard them all. And I know 1st hand that these reasons to not start BJJ are all not true. I know this because I have seen the very people described above in the 4 points doing BJJ. And they have been really good.

This is an ugly truth.
If you want to train BJJ, Starting TODAY is the best thing you can do for yourself.
It’s like that old investment saying:
"The best time to invest was yesterday, the second-best time is today."

If you find the right school, with the right instructor, they will have the right students. And you will be welcomed with open arms.
No matter what your belief is, what your excuse is. You can start BJJ and be better then you ever dreamed.

Which led to 2 Results That Should Get YOU Excited...

1. I became an accidental expert on everything that would never work under pressure.

While I now know more about BJJ then probably 99% of people. (You get that through time alone.) So much of what I know, is never ever used during the wrestle. This means you end up spending valuable time on things you hardly ever use. If ever. 

2. Getting results and improving in BJJ is not about knowing more techniques. It's about knowing what techniques you need to know.

 Then getting incredibly good at those key techniques, the order of steps in each move, and the timing involved. (This is what I will share with you, this is why you will improve, and why you will improve quickly).

Rigan Machado 2007

After class photo with Rigan Machado ( About 2007 )

If you can't smile during a match something is very wrong.

Training with a good friend on the day he received his BJJ Black Belt.

I have trained with these 3 people for 20 years or more.

You arrive to learn BJJ. But end up staying for the friendships.

Did you know?

Some other things Bill has done.

- Taught self defence to prison Guards.
- Taught Police Special Operations.
- Stand up and Ground Seminars throughout Australia, and over seas.
- Fight choreography Films, ( Random Act, Batman - Australia - Village Cinemas - ) 
- Founder of the Real World Martial Arts System. Including 11 x dvd Self Defence Programs. 5 x Audio Cd Self Defence Audio Book. 
- Written articles for self defence magazines.
- Author of the book Bullies, Abuse and me. 
-Security Guard

And more. 

The Real World Program.


11 DVD's, 6 Audio Cds, Hard copy class notes, Self Defence Book.

( Here is a look at what I was working on in around 2006.)

A Real World cut to the bones self defence Syllabus. (Don't laugh this was a long time ago.) However, still a great program today.

Once you understand the concept of BJJ, and make it through the maze of what to do and how it all works, the road becomes a whole lot clearer. 

Keep in mind, I did not say it would be easy, I said it would be "clearer". BJJ is not for everyone. But, if you want to learn BJJ, then it is absolutely for you. You can do it, and you can be good at it. Don't worry :)


BJJ Fundamentals - White Belt to Blue Belt Syllabus

Be proud of your achievement. Know you are a real Blue Belt. Fast track your learning and save years of waisted time.

Module 1,

White Belt 1st Stripe.

White Belt 1st Stripe includes 4 techniques.

These 4 techniques are all escapes.

We start off learning only escape so that you have a chance of surviving in class when wrestling partners. For 1st, you must survive the fight.

Module 2,

White Belt 2nd Stripe includes 4 techniques.

These 4 techniques are also escapes.

As I mentioned at the start of the White Belt 1st Stripe section, we start off learning only escape so that you have a chance of surviving in class when wrestling partners. 

Module 3. 

White Belt 3rd Stripe includes 8 techniques.

These 8 techniques are 4 Sweeps and 4 Chokes.

As we start to learn sweeps and submissions, this is when our BJJ starts to take shape. 

We have built a solid foundation with escapes and surviving the fight. We start to include attacks into that foundation now. 

Module 4. 

White Belt 4th Stripe includes 8 techniques.

These 8 techniques are 4 Arm-Bars and 4 Shoulder Locks.

These techniques are used because they work well under pressure.

We learn the order of steps in each technique, and the timing for when to apply each submission.

Module 5. 

White Belt 4th Stripe Takedown.

In this lesson we introduce our 1st Takedown. 

Takedowns are very effective, and a good Takedown is vital for any fighter. 

What makes a good Takedown is a technique that is simple and effective.

Also, if the technique doesn't work, then it must not put you in a dangerous position to recover from.

Example Curriculum

  Hi, and welcome :)
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Warning - Be careful
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Free Bonuses
Available in days
days after you enroll
  White Belt 1st Stripe
Available in days
days after you enroll
  White Belt 2nd Stripe
Available in days
days after you enroll
  White Belt 3rd Stripe
Available in days
days after you enroll
  White Belt 4th Stripe
Available in days
days after you enroll
  White Belt 4th Stripe - Takedown - Basic Double Leg.
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Thank you.
Available in days
days after you enroll

Pssssst. Someone told us you liked bonuses…!

Well okay, EVERYONE likes bonuses.

So, not only are you going to get those incredible 5 modules, but you're also going to get...

Bonus #1:

How to warm up for BJJ. 

We're going to teach you how to warm up properly for Brazilian jiu-jitsu. If you are a beginner to the art of BJJ, or and established instructor, you can use this easy and effective warm up at the beginning of each class.

This warm up will help you get ready for all your training. It will help you avoid injuries and help keep you training BJJ year in and year out.

Bonus #2:

Stretching for BJJ.

This lesson is on the importance of stretching. Why we should stretch, and my exact stretching routine that I have used for nearly 30 years.

Most people start out with little knowledge of stretching, how to, or why.

In this lesson we will take you through everything you need to know to get started with a great stretching program.

Bonus #3:

BJJ Injury Recovery and Prevention.

The worst thing about BJJ is getting hurt and injured. Sadly, it happens sometimes. 

However, this bonus lesson is going to help identify what might go wrong.

How to prevent, what to do, and how to deal with small injuries.

A must know for anyone training Brazilian jiu-jitsu.

Bonus #4:

How to Tie Your BJJ Belt Correctly 

People have asked me a million times.

"What is the best way to tie my Belt"?

Here is a quick, easy and fun way to remember how to tie your belt. 

No more thinking "OMG this doesn't look right".

Bonus #5.

Book Chapters: 159 Pages

Ch 1: Welcome to Fight or Flight
Ch 2: Why do I cry? 
Ch 3: Changing someone: 
Ch 4: Bullying: 
Ch 5: Why do people bully? 
Ch 6: What is an Abusive Relationship? 
Ch 7: How to avoid an Abusive Relationship: 
Ch 8: Being “Smarter than Them”
Ch 9: How to deal with the 6 Different Levels of Aggression : 
Ch 10: Our 3 Options: 
Ch 11: When your safety relies on Hitting Them First: 
Ch 12: The Damage and effects of a Head Injury: 
Ch 13: Self Defence, What is it? And the Law: 
Ch 14: Who do I hit? 
Ch 15: Multiple Attackers: 
Ch 16: Common Sense: 

Course Certificate

Upon completion of this course and passing all the modules, you receive a beautiful certificate that you can proudly hang on your wall. 

Who is BJJ Fundamentals: White Belt to Blue Belt Course NOT for?

People Looking to Get their Blue Belt Overnight.

This course will not help you get your Blue Belt in BJJ overnight. To get your Blue Belt takes time, effort, and it does not come with IMMEDIATE gratification. But as they say, all good things in life take time. A BJJ Blue Belt is no different.

People who want to cheat. 

The information inside of this course is not going to be very helpful to you if you cheat. You must learn each technique, test yourself. And, if you get it wrong do it again. You have to be honest. For if you walk onto a mat somewhere with a blue belt. It will take one minute for everyone to know you didn't earn that belt. It will make you look bad, and this course. If you are one of these people his course is not for you. 

People Who Only Care About Vanity and coloured Belts.

If you only care about wearing a Blue belt in a BJJ club, or telling people your a BJJ Blue belt. Give this course a wide berth. This course is not a walk in the park. It has more details, steps, tips, points and must pass sections, in order to pass a level and move on to the next one. This course is about becoming a quality BJJ ranked student. Not an average one. 

People Who Want to Buy their Blue Belt, then their Purple belt, then their brown belt and so on. You can not buy your way to Black. 

If you think you can buy your way to a Blue Belt in BJJ, and so on to Black. You are in the WRONG place. You are lost and we can’t save you. The BJJ Syllabus community is for honest people looking to build quality skills, and skills that show. No cheating or shady sh*t here.

People Who Want to Watch One Video and say "I got it, next".

This is not an hour-long course. This course has a lot of information that will cover many different aspects of BJJ in general. This is not a brief overview. It will take time to complete and learn everything in this course, and it will take time for you to implement it. 

Look us up on Youtube:

Channel: BJJ Syllabus Videos

Do you know what the problem is with many BJJ courses?

1. They are one topic focused.

There are so few that take you through any kind of syllabus, that keep things simple, and give you a formula to follow so you can see your own progression. 

Don't get me wrong, there are many great BJJ courses you can buy. (If you are after a certain topic and that is all.) Eg. Guard passes, chokes, foot-locks ect.

I can’t tell you how many courses we have seen that brush over the little things that are actually pretty darn important. Too many people try to teach "better techniques, more fancy techniques, more flashy techniques". 

Sure fancy might work sometimes, but if the pressure is on, and I mean really on. The people who do the fancy stuff, I can assure you they will not be doing the fancy stuff then. These people will also revert back to their basics when the heat is really on.

Leaving you wondering... “Yeah, but how do I do that thing that you just recommended under serious pressure???”

We share all the strategies that we use and are constantly updating all of our courses when we try new things, as our business evolves, and we find better, clearer ways of explaining techniques and BJJ for the average person.

If you don't succeed, we don't succeed.

2. They use new age BJJ, not old school BJJ.

Techniques that just don’t cut it for the average person who only wants to learn the basics. Things that work and nothing more.

Ugh, we're all busy enough already without spending so much time on techniques that are: spin here, flip over there, roll upside-down, lift them up, drag them there, flip this. OMG It is just not needed. Trust me.

3. Many courses are not truly beginner-focused.

They may be packed with information, but they never help you build a foundation. They start at level 100 when most BJJ students need the instructor to start at level one, and work the way up!

We take the better approach with our BJJ Syllabus courses, where we focus on the basics and most important strategies first, then begin teaching you more advanced ideas as the course progresses.

4. Many courses teach you new techniques, but that doesn’t translate easily into seeable progress.

Getting a lot of different new techniques can be exciting. Trust me, I know. I was all about more techniques, more techniques.

But the truth is, not all techniques are created equal.

While a lot of courses and instructors try and play it safe. "As in, I have to always be teaching things someone has never seen before". We believe in going after the RIGHT techniques, and mastering them, along with the steps in that technique, and most importantly the timing.

We don’t teach something just for the sake of adding 100 more techniques to the course, if we know it won't improve what the student is trying to achieve.

We focus completely on Quality over Quantity. 

FAQ. ( Frequently Asked Questions )

1. I am a beginner, what if I haven't started BJJ yet and I know nothing?

This is absolutely fine. This course will be perfect for you. The course covers all the techniques needed for a beginner to start from the beginning, and work their way through the 1st 4 stripes to achieve their Blue Belt in Brazilian jujitsu.

2. What if I'm a more advanced BJJ practitioner? Will I still get anything out of this course?

Absolutely, as a more advance practitioner in BJJ you will understand the importance of mastering the basics. In this course you will pick up new tips, ideas, and ways of implementing your foundation techniques. By improving your BJJ foundations you improve all aspects of your BJJ training. So, do not be put off by the White Belt to Blue Belt wording. Think of this course as a way to improve what you already know. For this is what really improves your BJJ.

3. Will I be a real BJJ Blue Belt when I am finished this course?

That really does not have a clear cut answer. The answer is kind of. I say this because to become a blue belt in BJJ you really need to belong to a BJJ school as well, and you need to wrestle people of all shapes and sizes so that your wrestling improves. You can not just know 25 techniques and be a BJJ Blue belt. I'm afraid BJJ doesn't work like that. 

However, this course and the techniques will absolutely make you a better blue belt in BJJ, then what you would be without the course. It will also get you to the blue belt level sooner then you would get there without this course. 

This is because of the tuition, the detail, and the structure of the course. This course combined with good training and a real BJJ school is the best combination. As this combination will include real life wrestling time.

4. Do I still need to join a BJJ Club?

No, but it really is the best way to get good at Brazilian jiu-jitsu. To have a qualified instructor there with you, and to have other students to learn from and wrestle is very important. You do not need to train at a club to benefit from this course. But it would really help as you need to include this course with real wrestling time for best results. 

5. Will I need to purchase anything else once I buy the course?

No, nothing. Everything to help you get from white belt to blue belt in BJJ is included in this course. You will however need a partner and matts ( a soft floor ) if you intend to learn from home. 

6. Will this course help me get my blue belt faster?

Absolutely yes. The better you get at BJJ the sooner you will achieve the next rank you are aiming for.

7. How many techniques will I learn in this course? 25

4 Arm-bars, 

4 Shoulder locks, 

4 sweeps, 

4 chokes, 

8 escapes,

1 takedown.

8. Can I find this information for free online? 

Yes and no. You can Youtube almost everything now days. But what this course offers is structure and order, a complete syllabus, 25 instructional videos in the correct order to achieve your Blue Belt in BJJ. 91 pages of clearly typed out, technical, informative and easy to follow instructions for each technique. A total of 32471 words of information to go along with the videos. Including check lists, and test papers for students and instructors to use to help grade themselves and the individual student as they progress. 

9. Do you ever update the courses? 

Yes, All the time. We are always filming new techniques, or re-filming old techniques as we improve ways of executing them. As a video is re-filmed you will be notified of the update through email, and the new video will be added to the course.

10. Is there a time limit to complete the course? How long do I have access?

There is no time limit to go through the content of this course. It's a completely go-at-your-own-pace course! Your access to the course does not expire. The BJJ world is an ever-evolving and changing system that you have to stay on top of if you want to keep improving! This is why you get lifetime access to this content, including videos, worksheets, and any future updates to the course!

11. How long will it take before I can expect to see results?

Straight away. From the very 1st instructional video, along with the written PDF hand out you will improve. If you learn something from the very 1st technique you are on the way to improving. Let alone the full 25 techniques taught in this White belt to Blue belt fundamentals course.

This course is designed to take you from where you are now, to your potential in your BJJ training in the quickest amount of time possible. Every video lesson in this course is full of usable concepts & techniques so you should see improvements in your Jiu Jitsu from the first class. As soon as you start practicing & implementing the information from this course, you will see noticeable improvements, I guarantee it.

12. What if I don't see results?

This is an impossible question. If you follow the course and implement what I teach you, you are guaranteed to excel quickly in Jiu Jitsu. This is a proven structure that has helped thousands of students rapidly develop in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. The only way you will not improve, is if you completely disregard this course and you do not implement anything you learn. I guarantee you will improve if you follow this course.

13. This is a lot of money. Is it really worth the price?

Most content creators save their best information for their paid courses, because it's how they earn a living. Our course is no different. ​Additionally, most of the information you'll find at the top of google search is outdated, incorrect, and/or fragmented at best. This is just the nature of social media, google and the algorithm changes that need to be made for growth. This is also the reason we constantly update this course, and you get access to these continual updates for FREE. It's not just about getting access to the right information. It's about having the guidance to know exactly what to do with that information.

14. How do I access my course?

This course is 100% digital and is available for streaming on all devices. This course & its sections are not for download. They are streamable via logging in to your Teachable account and selecting your course on your dashboard.

15. Do you have transcripts available?

We have detailed outlines for all of the videos, but not full transcripts. They will help you follow along and skip to the parts of the videos that you will benefit from the most. They're also great for taking notes!

16. Is my credit card secure?

Credit card security is extremely important to us. That's why we've partnered with Stripe to handle the billing and provide a secure socket layer, 128-bit encryption. Frankly, your credit card data is safer making an online purchase through our secure site than it is using it to pay for gas or buy food at a restaurant. So feel comfortable knowing your transaction is 100% completely protected from fraud. You also have the option to checkout with PayPal as well!

17. Refunds and Guarantees: 

Please spend time going through the FAQ section (Frequently Ask Question Section) to make sure this Course is right for you. 

Get results or get your money back.

We promise improved results (with conditions). If you don't get results, we'll issue you a refund with conditions. 

1. Time period: 30 Days from purchase. 

2. Proof: The customer must show proof that they tried the product, implemented the strategies, and it didn't work for them. This is to protect us against people who access the information and just feel lazy and don't want to put in the work.

3. We do NOT offer refunds just because someone "changed their mind" or "didn't learn anything new.” Please understand it's not our fault that you changed your mind. It's also not our fault that you didn't learn anything new (however we are sure you will). If you've already taken a course(s) on the same subject, you should be aware that there could be a lot of overlap.

4. Please be aware that this course is White Belt to Blue Belt fundamentals and Curriculum. BEGINNERS (not advanced users) so understand (more advanced users) understand that there maybe a lot of overlap topics that you probably already know. However, we strongly encourage more advance BJJ practitioners to take this course, and learn new things, tips and tricks of existing techniques that you might already know. For this is what will take you're existing BJJ level to new heights.

5. Digital products can't be returned. 

Please understand that people can download the entire course, consume the info, and ask for a refund. This is why we offer 30 days money back, but you have to show proof that you have used and tried the courses. And that it hasn’t helped you. The Customer has to show they have tried the product. (We can see from the back end how much of the course has been completed.)

18. How do I get my Bonuses: 

Once you are inside the teaching platform you will see the 5 Bonuses at the top of the course. It's that easy. 

BJJ Fundamentals - White Belt to Blue Belt Syllabus - Course Price